Returns, refunds and exchanges

We hope that you are satisfied with your order from us. However, we understand that you may occasionally wish to return an item/order if you change your mind, if you find an item which is not as you expect, or if an item is faulty.

Please examine your items and inform us of any problems as soon as you receive your delivery, as returns must be processed within 14 days of receiving your order.

The procedure for returning an item to us depends on the circumstances. Please see the relevant section below, or contact us if you are unsure.

If you wish to return seedlings, plugs, bulbs, tubers, bare roots, etc, please contact our customer services team immediately upon receiving your order, to discuss the best course of action.

In all cases of returns:

Package must not be opened
Respond within 8 days after you received your delivery.

Fontana Seeds gives no warranty, express or implied, as to description, productiveness or any other matter of any seeds or bulbs it sells and will not be responsible for the crop.

If, despite all good care, complaints arise that are justified, then the seller has the choice of the goods in whole resp. to be partially replaced or to reimburse.
The seller’s liability does not exceed the net invoice amount of the goods.
Buyer must submit original packaging (in connection with batch no.).

We must be notified as soon as possible of damage, delay or loss during transport. 

Check your item is in a resaleable condition and in its original packaging.
To help us process your return quickly, please contact us for a return label.

Seedlings and bulbs may not be eligible for return, please contact customer services for further advice.

Carrito de compra



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