Everything you need to know about Calendula Seeds

Calendula seed questions
Calendula Seeds Questions and Answers:

Are calendula easy to grow from seed?
Calendula is super easy to grow from seed. It boasts a fast germination time (7-14 days), can be sown directly and the plants require minimal care and even self-seed!  Established calendula plants require little attention, thriving with minimal watering and feeding,

Does calendula like sun or shade?
Calendula seeds grow best in full sun, although they can easily tolerate some partial shade. To encourage optimal growth and flowering, it's best to plant calendula in a location where it receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day.

Should I soak calendula seeds before planting?
Well, there are pros and cons to soaking calendula seeds. Soaking does accelerate germination and seems to produce slightly more vigorous seedlings. However timing is tricky and if soaked for too long, the seeds can become waterlogged and mushy. Soaking is not a necessity and your calendula seeds will grow fine without.

Where is the best place to plant calendula?
The ideal conditions for planting calendula seeds is a location with full sun (at least 6 hrs direct sunlight per day), a well-draining soil and cool temperatures. Try them in flower beds, containers and they also make great companion plants for vegetable or herb gardens, deterring pests and attracting beneficial insects.

What month does calendula flower?
It depends on when you plant them. If you plant calendula seeds in Spring, they will bloom from June-September. If you plant them in Autumn, they will overwinter and bloom in May-July the following year. In warmer climates, calendula may bloom for a slightly longer period and in cooler climates the flowering period could be a bit shorter.

Can you grow Calendula in pots?
Yes definitely! Calendula even has a common nickname "pot marigold"! Calendula plants don't need a ton of space so they are a natural choice for small planters on balconies or patios. Most varieties do well in pots of diameter 20-30 inches.

What is the best companion for calendula?
As always it depends on your specific needs and goals, but, keeping in mind that Calendula plants are excellent for repelling pest and attracting bees and butterflies, we would suggest planting them among your herbs and vegetables where they can do double duty of being useful and looking colorful and attractive.

Does calendula come back every year?
While not a perennial, in warm or mild climates, calendula might come back the following year due to its self-seeding. In cooler climates, calendula won't return unless you replant or collect the seeds for future sowings.

Is marigold and calendula the same plant?
No, marigold and calendula are not the same! Marigolds belong to the genus Tagetes, and calendula belongs to the genus Calendula officinalis. They have distinct characteristics. Marigolds are native to the Americas, and calendula to the Mediterranean regions. Both are prized for their brightly colored flowers, but calendula flowers are typically larger and have a wider range of colors than marigolds.

Does calendula reseed itself?
Yes, calendula often readily reseeds itself. Refrain from deadheading the spent blooms and allow some of the flowers to naturally go to seed and new calendula plants may sprout in the same area the following year without needing to replant them. This happens typically more successfully in warmer climates.

How often do you water calendula?
You need to find the balance of watering calendula regularly while avoiding overwatering. Aim to keep the soil consistently moist, but not soggy. Allow the top inch or two of soil to dry slightly before watering again. If calendula plants are underwatered, you will see wilting leaves, dry crumbly soil and stunted growth. If they are overwatered, you will see yellowing leaves, brown spots on the leaves and eventually soft, mushy stems and root rot.

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